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Craic Style Bronzer Make-Up

Oh honey child I can feel the spring time arriving and all I want is my skin to glow , I love to keep the skin white in the winter but come summer give me some gold and bronzer will be your friend if used correctly . I see so many girls OD on the product and it just does not have to be that way .

Here are a few tips to help you on your bronzer way .

My advise for this product is less is more ... Find a compact or liquid that is only one to two shades darker than your skin tone and something with a golden glitter to it . your desire to bronze should be the want to glow and look sun kissed not tangoed .

First step for your summer skin is to exfoliate , I have been using BENEFITS honey snap out if it ! its a wee bit pricey at $28 but its so worth it , I have been using it for a few weeks now and my skin has never looked better I swear I am glowing . The reason for the exfoliation is for the skin the naturally glow on its own and so the bronzer will set perfect to your skin .

Use a larger make-up brush apply lightly on the check bones the hair line bridge of your nose and a dot to the chin also use your bronzer on your and your chest and boobies to match your face , basically use the bronzer were the sun would naturally hit your face , the goal is to look natural not and I mean not orange .

here are a few bronzers I recommend .

BENEFIT Slant powder brush $22

BENEFIT 10 bronzer and highlighter face powder duo $28

URBAN DECAY baked bronzer $24

LORAC tantalizer Baked Bronzer $32

LANCOME STAR BRONZER POUDRE SÔLEIL Sun-Kissed Bronzing Powder $36.50

TWO FACED Caribbean In A Compact - Sun Bunny $28

Always have fun with your make-up its there to make you happy ... I love to bronze the natural way the natural sun just makes you look old and can make you sick . So invest in a good bronzer and enjoy the sun with an SPF30 or above .


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