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The Rules of Self Tanning

Now my lovie's here is a few very wise tips to use when one is using self tanner . I see so many of my friends strangers and celebs working the worst tan I have ever seen . Orange is not attractive it does not look natural it looks like your wearing fake tan were your goal should be to look sun kissed and believable having a tan in January . there are so many great tanners on the market at the moment and very fairly priced .

Wise Step Number One : Always always always exfoliate and moisturise , this is so important so that your skin is fresh and clean and will take the tan evenly Apply under-eye cream. According to Barnes in InStyle, you want the color of your skin to be lighter under the eyes, it makes you look younger.  So if the skin is ruff and dry the tan will go patchy and streakk and with out moisture the tan will cake your porse and just look dirty . the key to tanning is to look illuminated and HEALTHY . So get a good shower and a good scrub and moisture session before picking up the St Tropez .

Wise Step Number Two : Picking your tan . now I always go for a more golden tan i know that its tempting to go for the darkest shade because you wanna look fierce gurl , but get real the darker shade don't match your skin and you end up looking like carrot cake bake . this is not a good look please trust me on this . My favorite self tanners of all time come from lancome I have been using there products for years allow they change every few season there products are always the best . they give sparkle and golden tones which are just divine . So always pick a tan just one shade darker than your natural tones dont run the risk of looking like snookie .

Lancome FLASH BRONZER Tinted Self-Tanning Leg Gel with Pure Vitamin E $34.50
Clarins Liquid Bronzer self tanning $32.50
Dior Doir Bronze self tanner natural glow face $31
Lorac tantalizer body bronzing luminizer $32
Hampton sun sunless tanning ge $32
Guerlain terractta sunless luxurous self tanning Balm $35
Too Faced tanning bed in a tube $25

Wise Step Number Three : Application . I am so messy when it comes to applying my tan i just wake it on i don't use Vaseline on me eyes brows the only thing I do is pull my hair back . My tanners are never that dark so i can do this I just apply like a foundation and then wash me hands after . I also do the same on the body quick and simple . But if you are using a super intense tanner then you should most definitely use a glove to apply and be careful around the knees and elbows wash your hands after applications . If you don't wear the glow your hands will be dark brown pink for a weeks . that's why i advise for you to wear a tan only one shade darker than your skin tone its so much handier and wears off easily . the dark tans come off in ugly patchy stages and just go grey after a while on your skin .
There is not doubt that a tan makes you look better and feel sexier it also hides a multitude of cellulite sins but in all good beauty advise less is always so much more . Especially in this beauty category trust me I have tryed them all i went out one Halloween so tan and so orange all my friends were left with bronze nose's from our greeting kisses and believe me my tan was suppose to look cute not be a part of the costume .
So girls and gays theres me fake tan very wise tips in a nut shell I hope you get a wee bit of inspiration and i truly hope you listen . LESS IS ALWAYS MORE so stay golden .


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