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What Do Your Clothes Say About You??

Ever wonder what your clothing says about you? Probably not. You probably get dressed every morning not really realizing what you are saying to the world. Perhaps you should start to think a little more about the image that you are sharing with the world. On Monday morning when you put on that comfy old cardigan to go to work in because well let's face it, it's Monday you don't realize that others might percieve it as lazy. You put on that shirt that perhaps is saved best for the club but you think you can get away with it at the office. Wrong. Everyone sees you as the office slut. Sad but true. Weather you believe in fashion or not, studies show that people make up their minds about you in the first 3-7 seconds. Which I know people should'nt judge a book by the cover blah blah but it's true and we are all guilty of it at one point or another. You never want people to assume the worst about you before you even open your mouth. Wait till your foot is in it for people to really hate you. Here are some tips to keep you polished and looking like the best possible you.

Dress for the job you want, not the one you have.
It happens to all of us. We are at our job for a while and we get stuck in a rut. We get comfortable and no longer put the effort in to how we look as we once did. However we don't really realize that this could be holding us back. Our work performance alone wont always carry us to the next level. Someone else who is just as good as you will get ahead becuase they are more presentable. You have to dress everyday like you are meeting a big client or going on an interview. I know this seems a bit much but with the right clothing in your wardrobe it won't feel so bad. Choose suiting, comfortable knits and pieces that you will want to wear. Always make it your own. A poll recently showed that one third of executives think that office casual has gone too casual. So don't follow the rest of your co-workers when they show up in a velour track suit set higher standards for yourself and them. Your bosses will notice. This day and age people like someone who is confident with a sense of personal style. Do not go to the store and do Grranimals for grown ups. Ultimately if you care about how you look, people assume you will care about your work.

Skin isn't always in
If your home at night scrapping the bottom of the Ben N Jerry container watching Sex and the City reruns crying about why you don't have a man, it could be your closet holding you back. You may think that you are sexy to death when you walk out the door but you might actually look like a dead hooker. Let's face it, if you look like you are for hire he ain't going to marry you. I am not saying dress like a nun. Creative director of Elle magazine, Joe Zee recently said "The difference between slutty and sexy is three more inches on your dress" It's true. You might not realize but all that skin makes you look desperate and guys can smell that, they'll wind up going home with the girl that might be a little more covered up but seems a lot more confident. Also, the way you dress might be effecting the quality of the guy you are getting. If you are sitting there with a cheap wine complaining to your gal pals that all you get is losers think about why. Something is drawing them in and it's probably that everything is hanging out. Choose one or the other. If you are going for optimal cleavage cover up your legs and vice versa.

Be Yourself
No matter what stay true to who you are. Even if you are a gothic chic at heart working in the corporate world there is always a way to sneak your personal style int your outfit. With an accesory, a color, a cut..hell even your undergarments! People will respond to looking a cut above everyone else and not being "cookie cutter" You can go to Ann Taylor and pick out an outfit right off the mannequin but what does that do for you except look like everyone else. Add a brooch or something to make it your own.  Now there is a fine line so tread lightly. You can overboard really quick. So it's best to look for the things that you would buy in a more refined updated way.

Hopefully these tips made you think about what you are saying to the world and make you think about what you want to say.


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