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Throw A Craic Style Shopping Party!

Weather got ya down and you don't wanna go out? Tax return not here yet, so you can't go on a shopping spree?? Fear not! Why not invite your best gals over for a shopping party!? Every girl has things in her closet that are useless. They sit there and never get worn. How sad. Give it someone that will wear it, like a best friend and you'll get pleasure out of seeing it on them. It's like visiting a pet you had to give away. So how does it work? Call your best gals up and tell them to invite a couple of friends as well. Everyone brings about 5-10 items they no longer want and that are in excellent condition. (Please do not show up to your friends house with rags tsk tsk) Pop some champagne, pop in some SATC and start sharing. Now, if you and your friends are big ol label whores you can even charge for the the items. Set up a evite and have people start writing some of the articles they will be bringing to garner some serious interest. Let's face it ladies, one woman's trash is another woman's treasure!


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