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Smell My Fingers...With Scented Nail Polish!?

I don't know if this is gross or cool. So I am leaving it up to you guys to decide. Revlon released a line of scented nail polish this past summer. They were a limited edition but you can still purchase them on Amazon  for about $4.79 They come in a various amount of scents including Orange Smoothie, Ocean Breeze, Peach Smoothie, Orange Pop, Gum Drop, Grapy Icy, Cotton Candy and Bubble Gum and last up to four or five days. You can also try Forever21 's version which includes strawberry, lime and the not so sweet sounding caramel for $2.80 If you don't want to spend a dime on this trend you can make your own. Try adding five to six drops of your favorite polish to a clear top coat and you are ready to go. If your a smoker this might be great news, it coudl potentially  mask that yucky smell left on your fingers! I think I am going to have to investigate this and report back. What does everyone else think of this? Smell me, or smell me not?


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